CISR Notice 04/2022 Rev 2 provides guidelines for large and passenger yachts regarding the carriage of additional guests beyond their certified capacity. It outlines the regulatory framework, requirements for exemptions, and risk assessment protocols for events both at anchor and alongside. The notice also details application procedures for obtaining a dispensation or Letter of No Objection (LONO) and emphasizes compliance with both CISR regulations and local authorities. The notice applies to private and commercial yacht operations, ensuring safety and legal adherence when accommodating extra guests.20-Nov-2023
Key Points from the Notice:
Purpose: CISR provides guidelines for carrying additional guests on large and passenger yachts beyond their certified capacity.
Definition: “Additional guests” include persons exceeding the yacht’s certified capacity (12 for commercial yachts, 36 for passenger yachts), excluding occasional workers.
Regulatory Framework:
Large Yachts: May be exempted to carry up to 36 guests for private cruising under specific conditions, limited to 60nm from a safe haven.
Passenger Yachts: No cruising with additional guests is permitted, even for private use.
Events at Anchor: CISR accepts equivalent provisions; local authorities review risk assessments before approval.
Events Alongside: Agreement not required from CISR, but a Letter of No Objection (LONO) can be issued if requested.
A detailed risk assessment and a Request for Services form are required for dispensation or LONO.
Risk Assessments:
Should include considerations such as stability, guest management, safety measures, and local authority approvals.
Link to Notice Below: